Research "Online world in children's homes"

Printed matter , CZ.NIC

Research "Online world in children's homes"

The research "Online world in children's homes" was created in cooperation with the Center for the Prevention of Risky Virtual Communication at the Palacký University in Olomouc (E-safety project) and was attended by 166 children's home workers and 197 children from all regions of the country. The main purpose of the investigation was to find out what preventive measures children's homes implement, what topics they solve with children, how work with the Internet is regulated in children's homes, or what risky situations children from children's homes experience.

The facts found show that almost half of the interviewed educators do not regulate access to specific websites in any way, and less than 80 percent of them do not know the children's passwords for accessing their accounts on social networks. Almost 80 percent of educators also stated that at their workplace children have limited access to the Internet during predetermined hours. The research also showed that 48 percent of children experienced a situation in which someone verbally abused them and used the Internet or a mobile phone to do so. Less than a third of the children then confirmed that someone used digital technology to spread humiliating or mocking photos of them. Another disturbing piece of information is that almost 28 percent of children from homes engage in sexting in the form of exchanging their own intimate photos, while 18 percent of them were forced to do so. One in six respondents said someone had bought data or credit online; 2 percent of this group had done so in exchange for photos or videos of them, including intimate ones.

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